There are many great benefits to continuing your child’s aquatic education during the colder months. Contrary to popular belief it is actually impossible to catch a cold just because it is cold outside! For your little one to get sick they must first come in contact with the cold or flu virus to ‘catch it’.
Many families decide to unenrol during the winter months for the above mentioned reason, this can lead to a major setback in your child’s aquatic education. Winter is the perfect time for your child to gain the skills necessary for both yourself and your child to be confident around the water come summer. Children who don’t swim during the winter months tend to forget the basic skills necessary to stay safe around the water, after six months away this can lead to major setbacks as your child has to re learn the basics again. This can be frustrating for both you and your child.
Progression is something we as teachers and parents love to see, it means that your child is both confident and safe in the water. From personal experience I find that children tend to pick up more skills during the winter months due to the decreased class sizes, this is perfect as your child will learn more and continue to progress in their aquatic experience. There is nothing more enjoyable than seeing a child smile because they have learnt something new or even given something a go they thought they couldn’t do.
Children more so than adults require consistency, muscle memory for children under the age of seven years is vitality important, this allows them to develop and learn. At this young age your child’s long term muscle memory and skill retention is beginning to develop.
Continuing your child’s lessons during winter will make sure that all the time and money committed to your child’s development doesn’t go to waste.